Combined Shape

Bibliothecan koronaviruspäivitys

Kirjastot ottavat huomioon kansanterveydestä vastaavien viranomaisten ohjeet ja huolehtivat fyysisistä etäisyyksistä ihmisten välillä peruuttamalla ohjelmia ja tapahtumia tai peräti sulkemalla ovensa kokonaan. Ymmärrämme, että nämä ovat vaikeita ratkaisuja. Ymmärrämme myös, miten tärkeää kirjaston työntekijöiden, käyttäjien ja yhteisöjen turvallisuus on tänä kriittisenä aikana, kun koronaviruspandemiaa yritetään saada hallintaan.

Koronaviruspandemia etenee nopeasti. Elämme aivan uudenlaisessa todellisuudessa, jota ei ollut edes olemassa vielä muutama viikko sitten. Löydät alta Bibliothecan uusimmat päivitykset ja vinkit ratkaisujamme käyttäville kirjastoille.

For libraries who use our cloudLibrary digital service, we will continue to serve your library users with 24/7/365 access to ebooks and audiobooks and have additional helpful tips to handle a surge in usage below.

Working with the team at Bibliotheca:

To ensure the health and safety of our staff, we have stopped all non-essential travel. Bibliotheca staff work from offices around the world and we have policies and infrastructure in place for staff to work remotely.

Our teams from Oakdale, MN, Norcross, GA and Ottawa, Canada are working remotely and practicing social distancing so we can all do our part to reduce the short-term pressure on our healthcare system. We have temporarily reduced staffing levels in response to library closures and the COVID-19 pandemic. We have retained essential staff to ensure we can best help libraries during this temporary period.

Remote support capabilities
Our helpDesk teams are committed to resolving any issues you may experience. We have a robust team with the technology and capability to remotely monitor, diagnose and resolve most issues. This may require help from your IT team to provide appropriate access to allow us remote access to your hardware.

On-site support & installation
If a field service technician is needed to replace hardware components or to install new equipment, we are closely monitoring the Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization and local guidelines and will act accordingly in the interest of our staff and customer safety. If changes to planned visits are necessary, we will reschedule as needed.

Upcoming Bibliotheca meetings
We’ve heard some libraries getting creative to maximize this time with less people in their libraries to do things like RFID conversion and take inventory. Our teams are here to answer questions, demo solutions or discuss ways to help virtually. Please discuss these flexible options with your Bibliotheca contact.

Remote training
With a little more downtime over the coming weeks, it’s the perfect time to attend our remote training webinars. You can view a full list of training webinars on our website.

Tips for selfCheck customers:

How to best disinfect Bibliotheca solutions
For a detailed guide to cleaning Bibliotheca solutions, click here. We also recommend that you follow the Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Limiting touchscreen interactions
We pulled together a few configuration options to help minimize touchscreen interactions throughout transactions. Click here for the full guide

Tips for cloudLibrary customers:

Send messages directly to digital users
The Library Messages functionality inside the cloudLibrary app was designed to share important details with users and communicate in real time. We wanted to remind libraries of this functionality, as they communicate with users throughout this pandemic.

Prepare for a surge in digital demand
We understand you will see a surge in usage, borrowing and browsing over the coming weeks. We are working with publishers to make more content available at affordable prices and are making internal resources available to help manage holds and content delivery during these high demand times.

Inside CAT, a few quick changes can make a big difference for your readers.

  • Increase the number of allowed borrows and holds
  • Turn on autocarts to automatically relieve holds
  • Turn on Pay-Per-Use to instantly increase reader selection

Our support team can also help change your library configuration to allow access to all patrons, regardless of their account status. See contact details below, if you want to implement this. Reach out if you need support or any help curating relevant and engaging collections.

Stay healthy and reach out if we can help!

If you have any further questions, please reach out:
General questions:
Hardware Support in the US:
Hardware Support in CA:
cloudLibrary Support:
cloudLibrary Collection Development:
Call us: 1.800.328.0067 (US) | 1.877.207.3127 (CA)


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