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Digital Collections

Bibliotheca launches a new biblio+ marketing portal

We understand that keeping your patrons informed about new offerings provided by your services can be time consuming and confusing. That’s why we’ve launched the new easy-to-use biblio+ marketing portal.

The biblio+ marketing portal is updated each month with marketing and promotional materials for new titles that will be featured on biblio+. These materials include film artwork, synopses, cast lists, and more that can be shared to your social media platforms, your website, and your email marketing to keep your patrons informed about the latest award-winning films, documentaries, and series that biblio+ has to offer.

New to biblio+? We’ve also included our entire biblio+ brand kit with logos and onboarding assets to get your patrons excited to sign up for the service.

Click here to access the biblio+ marketing portal. And be sure to interact with biblio+ on social media at @watchbiblioplus!

Does your library still not have biblio+? Click here to take advantage of a one-month free trial.


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