Virtual Learning
Originally aired: Oct 26, 2022
Bibliotheca & Raeco Webinar: IFLA WLIC 2022’s Trends & Drivers
panelists + moderator
Attendee Responses + Information
IFLA is the global voice of libraries – enabling and connecting libraries, advocating sustainable development and inspiring professional practice to improve services worldwide.
With the luck of the Irish and the first physical World Library and Information Conference for delegates, Vicki McDonald, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) President-Elect and CEO & State Librarian of State Library of Queensland about IFLA as an organization and its forward trajectory. Vicki shared the overview of the work of the federation, it’s importance and impact both here and abroad and highlights opportunities for awareness about this significant library body. In this session, participants learned about the take home messages from IFLA WLIC 2022, what’s ahead for IFLA overall, including significant trends for libraries.
Bibliotheca is happy to share these additional resources and references related to and/or mentioned during this webinar. Use the download links below for the slides as presented and a full-text version of the chat log.
To the right, find links to additional resources the presenters made reference to, which may lead off our website.
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