Combined Shape
Join us on the Journey:
Events Galore!

In 2024, we’ll participate in some of the most exciting events in the industry. These will be opportunities for us to showcase our product and latest innovations.

We would love to use this events as a chance to connect with you as we love to valued community.

Here are some of the Events we will be part of. We will organise our own Roadshow across the country and regional webinars.

  • EDGE: Edinburgh 14/15 March
  • CONUL: Belfast 29/30 May
  • CILIPS: Dundee 3/4 June
  • CILIP: Birmingham 10/11 July
  • Libraries Connected : TBC
  • SLA: Sheffield 7/8 June

Stay tuned for updates on our social media channels and website aswe share live updates, behind the scenes glimpses, and maybe even some event exclusive surprises!


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