Start marketing in minutes with uniFi+
Engage users with in-library digital displays that inform, educate, and delight. Easy-to-use templates and multi-screen functionality make it simple to promote programs and share important information across any screen of your entire library.
Product Description
Product Description
uniFi+ allows libraries the freedom and flexibility to create eye-catching and interactive displays, change content easily, and even maximize existing bibliotheca selfCheck screens to prominently share messages.
Originally from Scandinavia, uniFi+ is a well-proven library communication platform currently in use at over 70 libraries.
Our team is dedicated to helping you maximize your entire ecosystem of bibliotheca solutions. To discuss affordable packages and arrange for a custom demo, get in touch!
Maximize selfCheck screens for enhanced communications
Using idle selfCheck screen or public PC screens, amplify your message and maximize your investment.
Easy content creation
The integrated content creation tool allows you to combine text, images, and video. Or, use pre-existing content.
Display relevant content throughout the library
Target communications to specific demographics based on location within the library.
Interact with users and let them browse content on interactive screens
Interactive screens increase discovery within the library. Offer digital book shelves, wayfinding, event calendars, timelines and more.
Control multiple screens from one central hub
Create content once and broadcast it throughout the library with ease.