open+ count makes compliance easy
Real-time people-counting designed to help libraries with building occupancy compliance and data analytics
Product Description
Product Description
open+ count uses anonymous people-counting technology to count those entering and leaving the library. It also provides strategic data and usage reports to help libraries make data-driven decisions about the future use of library space. Beyond occupancy management, it can be used in multiple areas within the library to analyze usage patterns.
Our team is dedicated to helping your library invest in technology that will benefit you for years to come! To discuss subscription services and arrange for a custom demo, get in touch!

Intelligent cameras accurately and anonymously count people
Keep an eye on real-time occupancy without sacrificing visitor privacy.

Broadcast library occupancy to visitors
Optional configuration to show current occupancy levels on display monitors.

Display real-time occupancy on your website
Display each location’s live count on your website with a simple widget.

Collect data to make better decisions
View people counts by hour, day, week, quarter, and year, or create custom counts to help guide library decisions.

Change display language and wording easily
Choose different languages to display messages and easily edit your message at any time.

Monitor occupancy at multiple locations at once
The at-a-glance dashboard provides a clear overview of occupancy levels at all locations and it’s accessible from anywhere.

When used with open+ access, occupancy enforcement can be fully automated.