Virtual Learning
Date & Time: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 4PM
Classics Revisited: Moby Dick by Herman Melville
panelists + moderator
Attendee Responses + Information
"Thank you so much for interviewing one of my all-time favorite authors! It was great to hear about his process and it was so useful for reader's advisory purposes."
"Thank you for making this available. The book had been raved about on CBS Sunday Morning and this was a great opportunity to meet the author."
"I have not read any of David's books but having listened to him today they will definitely be on my reading list from now on. I love to discover new authors and this is a really excellent way to gain insight into the way they tick."
Join us for the literary adventure of a lifetime: discussing a man’s pursuit against the embodiment of evil. Moby Dick by Herman Melville is the next piece in the Classics Revisited webinar series. Many men meet throughout this voyage, each with their own legends and tales of the beastly whale. The intense determination of these sailors and whale hunters is more than what it appears. It is also an epic detailing the limits of knowledge and the inevitability of fate. Professor Michael Sugrue, Ph.D, joins us again to explore another great classic. He will lecture and a live Q&A will follow.
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