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VinUniversity: Using Bibliotheca solutions to create a smart 24/7 academic library  
VinUniversity library was seeking an affordable way to provide modern, high quality library services.
VinUniversity Library now offers complete self-service through Bibliotheca's automated solutions. This includes selfCheck kiosks, flex AMH, RFID workstations, and security gates.
VinUniversity library is now a cutting-edge RFID library with 24/7 self-service. It has zero material loss, increased returns, and top satisfaction ratings.

VinUniversity Library is a cutting-edge learning hub that spans over 3900 square feet across two floors. It offers a diverse range of resources, technologies, and services to support teaching, learning, research, innovation, and entrepreneurial activities. With its inclusive and innovative space, the library fosters interdisciplinary collaboration, global perspectives, and student success. By bridging disciplinary gaps and integrating digital technologies, it serves as a dynamic platform for pedagogical experimentation, curriculum development, and continuous growth, empowering learners and nurturing a culture of discovery.

With Bibliotheca’s advanced technology, the library has undergone a remarkable transformation into a cutting-edge smart library. The implementation of 24/7 selfCheck machines has streamlined circulation processes, allowing for easy borrowing and returns without the need for staff intervention. These machines are seamlessly integrated with the library system, ensuring flexibility and interoperability. Additionally, the library’s collection is secured with the support of an RFID security system, effectively mitigating the risk of property loss. The Bibliotheca solutions have revolutionized the library experience, enhancing efficiency and convenience for teachers and students.


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