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remoteLocker Outdoor: 24/7 access for all libraries

Outdoor holds pickup with information and library information distribution platform: deliver library materials and messages anywhere

The pandemic has fundamentally shifted the way we access goods and services, and library materials are no exception. Convenience and safety have become paramount, and patron expectations which were already heightened by the rise of on-demand services, have increased dramatically.

Libraries are meeting the call by offering easier, more convenient ways for patrons to borrow and return items with curbside service and holds pickup lockers. For libraries lucky enough to be able to provide 24/7 access to an indoor foyer, pickup lockers offer patrons round-the-clock access to library materials.

The new remoteLocker outdoor allows all libraries, regardless of size or location, to provide this same convenient access. Even better, the remoteLocker software integrates fully with Bibliotheca’s Library Information Distribution Platform uniFi+, allowing the screen to act as a digital billboard to promote library offerings and deliver important messages to patrons.

The Pew Research Center reports that one third of library patrons know “not much” or “nothing at all” about library offerings. uniFi+ works to solve this by allowing libraries to broadcast communications to every screen within the library, including selfCheck kiosks, public PCs, and digital displays. Pairing uniFi+ with the remoteLocker outdoor ensures that you can spread the word about exciting events and services to patrons even outside the library building.

The remoteLocker outdoor is constructed from anti-corrosive steel and wiring and features a removable, lighted, weatherproof awning to protect patrons from the elements as they retrieve their materials. The units offer lockers of different sizes to accommodate small, medium, and large orders, and the modular design means more lockers can be added as library needs change.

With the remoteLocker outdoor, now even small or rural libraries without accessible foyers or suitable indoor community spaces can meet increased patron expectations, offer 24/7 access to library materials, and engage their communities both inside and outside the library building.

Fill out the form to download the product flyer and discover all the remoteLocker outdoor features.


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